Section: New Results

Modular Interpreters for the Masses

Object Algebras  [46] are new design pattern for increased modularity and extensibility of tree based, abstract data types. By modelling the abstract syntax of a language as a generic factory interface, implementations of this interface provide multiple semantics of the data. For instance, one can define evaluation, type checking and pretty printing of the abstract syntax fully modularly. Additionally, the pattern allows syntax extension: adding a new constructor to the datatype, and modularly extending any existing interpretations to deal with the construct. The same interpretation of different constructs, however, might involve different kinds of context information. For instance, evaluation of arithmetic expressions does not require any context information, but evaluation of variables and binders requires and environment. In [34] , Inostroza and Van der Storm introduce a simple, modular, and type safe technique to allow such interpretations to be composed anyway. It is based on lifting one interpreter to implicitly propagate the context information it does not require, so that the signatures of the interpreters become compatible. As a result, semantic definitions of language modules do not have to anticipate all kinds of context information that might be required by other modules with which it might be composed. The technique is simple, does not sacrifice separate compilation, is easy automate, and works in mainstream languages. It provides a first step towards a foundation for defining language by assembling modular building blocks.